Michael A. Coffey
Michael serves as President of Corporate Capital Resources, LLC. His professional practice focuses on the design of coordinated business succession plans for private shareholders, their families and company management.
As the architect of hundreds of ESOP transactions, he has saved shareholders and their families from significant corporate, estate and personal taxation. He has written extensively for numerous publications over the years and is a popular speaker on issues related to ESOP transaction designs for closely-held corporations. He has been a member of the National Center for Employee Ownership and the ESOP Association for over 20 years.
Select publications include: “Privatization in Eastern Europe,” Fall 1991, Journal of Employee Ownership, Law and Finance; “Investment Strategies for the IRC 1042 Tax-Free Rollover,” Fall 1992 NCEO Journal;, Chapter Three of “The Accountant’s Guide to Employee Stock Ownership Plans,” Winter 1995, Harcourt Brace Publishers; Nov/Dec 1994 NCEO Newsletter, “ESOPs and Charitable Giving Strategies,” Chapter Six of “Selling to an ESOP”, 2011 NCEO Handbook and the “ESOP Handbook for Banks”, 2011 Peabody Publishing.
Michael received his graduate and undergraduate training at the University of Virginia in electrical engineering, Eastern European history and Slavic/Germanic linguistics. Since leaving his position with the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1980’s, he has been active in the ESOP community for over 25 years.